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Don't Call it a Comeback!

Guest UserComment
Don't Call it a Comeback!

Hey y’all!

It’s been a long time, I shouldn’t have left you… without a heads up about what’s been going on in the life of Jazzmyn Blu, and Quarantine seems like a good a time as ever to pick back up where I left off (omgosh over a year ago!) and have some candid conversations about topics that interest me the most.

In the spirit of vulnerability, let me open up today about getting back into writing and blogging. Even as I sit and type this post out, its a struggle… so why am I struggling?

I’m finding it harder and harder to carve out time for myself, especially with all of the life changes I have been going through. Currently I am a new car owner, a newly certified teacher, a new homeowner, a wife (for a year and some change), and a mother to two beautiful big head babies. and as I type this, my youngest bobblehead is vying for my attention lol we’re all over here doing the most!

However, Shelter in Place has given me the blessing of a “quieter” life. I have been forced to slow down, to think more thoroughly, to be (or choose not to be) more intentional with my time. But I am a procrastinator and a chronic time waster! So there is one of my biggest vices, ladies and gentlemen, I don’t make good use of my time.

But knowing is half the battle. What have I done since being forced to get to know myself better? How am I finding time for me?

-Set alarm(s) to remind myself to take care of myself: taking my vitamins and medication (I am still dealing with elevated blood pressure due to the pregnancy) daily or even painting my toes has proven itself difficult with my new norm as a stay at home mom. Even though I ignore my alarms or I’m startled awake by the needs of my children, my intentions are set to do something for me at some point. I may not remain time-committed to these things, but the tasks get done… at some point.

-Actually use my planner and spread my to-do list out over a week: I’ve spent countless dollars on planners and accessories, and now I’m forcing myself to use them. I give myself 2-3 tasks each day, and I try to be forgiving when I can’t get things done and have to carry tasks over to the next day or even the next week. Its okay, JB! Life happens! I just have to make time (be intentional) about getting things done… at some point. This way, I am able to prioritize tasks, feel accomplished and not feel like I’ve wasted my day away.

-Do what I have the energy to do: Even with writing this post, I’m sitting down two days later than when I had planned to get this out, but I am getting it done. Truth is, I’m tiiired. And that means not always having the energy to do stuff. (and quarantine has amped up my snacking so its quite possible that all the junk food has added to my fatigue). On top of not having the energy or carb-loading my way into a slump, I have two babies under the age of two who run my world. As soon as one falls asleep, the other wakes up. As soon as one eats, the other is hangry and yelling at me. Sometime tasks don’t get done because I simply don’t have the time to do them, and when they’re both down for the night, sometimes I just want to veg out and mindlessly scroll twitter. that’s okay too. But when I do what I have the energy to do, I’m happy with myself and motivated to do more the next day (unless its cooking because that is WORK!)

-Find reasons to laugh: I’ve found that when I don’t take myself too seriously, and take time to genuinely laugh, I am happier, and a happier me is a more creative me. Scrolling twitter or texting friends helps to keep me in the moment and lighthearted. My son also has a way of keeping a smile on my face and his. Although its easy to get into a “routine” of playpen-snack-diaper change-nap, that wouldn’t be me actually spending time with my son. so i make sure to make time for play and story time and giggles, and I love that we can be goofy together.

-Do it when I think about it: for a lady like me who gets easily overwhelmed (often by my own choices), doing things when they cross my mind has been a life and sanity saver. I don’t make my bed everyday, but I do when I think about it and I’m relieved. Taking out the trash, checking the mail, cleaning the kitchen, and even showering - I do it when it crosses my mind to keep from turning my molehills into mountains.

-Be mindful of what I say: since all that most of us has is words during this quarantine, I’ve been trying to be more intentional about reaching out to people and watching what I say. But how does this tie into procrastination and wasting time? Check this out: the people that I talk to on a regular basis, I don’t often get a chance to see as often. So our interactions need to be intentional; getting to know ourselves and each other better and communicating more effectively have been generous gifts from the stay at home mandate. This doesn’t mean that all of my conversations are serious, on the contrary. We have fun, we laugh, we lift each other up, and help keep each other sane during these trying times - I don’t know that we all would be so thorough in our dealings with each other if circumstances were back to normal.

-Try to be resourceful: I have been so grateful and fortunate to have help around the house, which includes help with cleaning, organizing, childcare and preparing meals. We recently moved and there’s always something that can be done, so when I know I’ll have visitors who don’t mind helping, that is when I will plan to tackle some of the bigger projects. I can’t even begin to describe the relief I’ve felt having and accepting help, especially after having my daughter. It is more than a notion to care for young children and keeping up with the house, cooking included. I told y’all I’ve been having my snack attacks, but when I have the help or time, I’ve been able to cook and enjoy real food. One of my newest favorite hobbies in quarantine has been grocery delivery. So far, Kroger is my favorite. If I’m spending money to buy the food, I need to make sure I’m spending time to cook and eat the food. I’ve been proud of myself for reducing the amount of food that I’ve wasted. My new mantra is “we have food at the house,” and my mama would be proud. I also started using my Instant Pot and pressure cooking will be a game changer in my household.

-Know yourself: Pay attention to those mind, body, and soul shifts. You know what makes you feel overwhelmed. You know how good you feel when you eat better or get a full night’s rest. You know how you feel when 5 minutes turns into 3 hours on social media. You know what taking Self Care Sunday seriously does for your outlook on the week. Know what works for you and do that. We’re getting to be too big in our age to knowingly do things that chip away at our best versions of ourselves.

I love y’all! Have a great weekend and take care of each other. I plan to be back next week with some more insight from my tiny corner of the universe :)

*favorite song from Comeback Season: Going In For Life and Give Ya