Guest UserComment

Perception is Reality

Guest UserComment
Perception is Reality

“When you look Good you feel Good, when you feel Good you do Good.”

Looks Matter.

You know it. I know it. We all know it. Humanity’s primary sense is sight. It’s how the large majority of us gather information about the world around us. Most people make judgments about the people around us based on how they look. Pretty people privilege is a real thing. Many people have a tendency to treat people they find attractive with more deference. Attractive people are more appealing in entertainment, sales, and consulting. Is any of this fair? Not really, but it’s the world we live in. I’m not a personal fan of things working this way, but when you know how the world works you can better align how you move and plan toward your own goals.

It is what it is :shrug:

Women are at a bit of an advantage when it comes to the superficiality of the world. Women are taught both directly and subconsciously through societal and media messaging that looks matter from a very young age. For men, on the other hand, looks are not emphasized the same way. We prioritize the ability to accomplish tasks overlooks. In my experience, men associate attention to presentation as something that is more feminine than masculine.

That mindset is a mistake, in my opinion.

A well-groomed, fashionable man is able to make greater inroads with others. When others see a man that is well-groomed, they see a man that has great attention to detail. Fashion can be a different story but when I step out well-dressed, my energy is different, my confidence is different, and the way I interact with others is different. Externally a well-dressed man is one that people are likely to take more seriously. Changing your look may not be something that you're interested in. Hell, it may not even be necessary. Being well-groomed is something you are going to want to add as a weapon to your arsenal to be more effective in executing your goals.

I want to be clear about grooming. It’s deeper than hygiene. You can be clean without being well-groomed. You may be thinking “Rob, I wash my ass every day, brush my teeth and wash my face, I’m straight.” Okay but you know that feeling when you step out of the barbershop with the fresh cut? That’s well-groomed. That confidence you feel, the way the ladies look at you, the way the sun shines a little bit brighter? That’s well-groomed. Of course it’s deeper than a fresh cut, but never fear, my next couple of posts are going to be giving tips around ways you can improve your grooming regime, master those little details, and improve your effectiveness in dealing with others.


Fashion is its own ball of wax. Unlike grooming, it’s not one size fits all. Style and Fashion consultants have to figure out who the man actually is and his energy and pair it with what will work with his body style. What works for one man from a fashion perspective will not necessarily work for the next man. This is where many of us make mistakes and can come across as imitating someone else rather than having a style that is all your own.

I’m going to be discussing the more superficial things around grooming and fashion in many entries going forward, giving some of my own takes on what I think works and doesn’t. We’ve talked about some of the things that a man needs on the inside, going forward we are going to talk about some things he needs externally.

I’m excited for it!

- Rob Immortal